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  • Download RedGate SQL Prompt 6.4 RedGate SQL Prompt 6.4 December 14, 2014 at PM Requirements: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8.
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Writing SQL code by hand, even with IntelliSense, is frankly pretty dull. So we made SQL Prompt, which isn t. An add-in for SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio, SQL Prompt strips away the repetition of coding. Forget memorizing object and stored procedure names – SQL Prompt autocompletes them. Stop traipsing about hunting down column dependencies – just check them from the query window. SQL Prompt takes care of formatting, object renaming, and other distractions, leaving you to concentrate on how the code actually works. So whether you need to write, refactor, or explore database code.

5 ways to effortless SSMS coding

IntelliSense-style code completion

Customizable code formatting

Code snippet library

Refactor SQL code

SSMS tab history

Write SQL smoothly

With SQL code completion, customizable code snippets, object tool tips, and synonym support, SQL Prompt strips the tedium from coding and saves you hours of effort.

Windows XP Pro SP3 OS Information Name:- Microsoft Windows Version:-Windows XP Professional Service Pack :- Service Pack 3 Build:- 2600.xpsp.080413-211.